Monday, October 29, 2012

Salish Response

After the Salish's land was basically taken from them they still wouldn't give up their culture.  Over the years Canada and America has tried to assimilate these people but in the process has damaged their own moral authority and has broken relationships between the split culture on the US and Canadian side.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Recently, I have been enlightened about where my food comes from and how it is processed.  This is credited towards the "meatrix" videos.  I now understand what is going on and what I am actually eating.  Having this information has persuaded me to buy more natural foods and watch what I buy instead of picking up just any packaged meat I find at the store.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Environmental Ethics

I found a fantastic article over environmental ethics written by Jim Cheney.  The article is called Postmodern Environmental Ethics: Ethics as a bioregional Narrative.  Chaney uses multiple stories to help explain the bioregion and ethics of the bioregion.