Monday, November 19, 2012

Survey status


That is the url for my survey.

I have gotten all 15 responses and more! My survey is trying to see what people think is deviant in our society and other societies.  It also has an age question to see if the perspective of deviance changes with age.  I am also trying to see whether people think deviance follows our societies law or if deviance is just an outlook on behavior.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Initial results

My survey has turned out quite successful so far.  I have begun to stumble over some really interesting information and opinions.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Salish Response

After the Salish's land was basically taken from them they still wouldn't give up their culture.  Over the years Canada and America has tried to assimilate these people but in the process has damaged their own moral authority and has broken relationships between the split culture on the US and Canadian side.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Recently, I have been enlightened about where my food comes from and how it is processed.  This is credited towards the "meatrix" videos.  I now understand what is going on and what I am actually eating.  Having this information has persuaded me to buy more natural foods and watch what I buy instead of picking up just any packaged meat I find at the store.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Environmental Ethics

I found a fantastic article over environmental ethics written by Jim Cheney.  The article is called Postmodern Environmental Ethics: Ethics as a bioregional Narrative.  Chaney uses multiple stories to help explain the bioregion and ethics of the bioregion.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Peer Reviewed Fracking

After reading the peer reviewed article "freacking fury" I quickly realized that the article was not going to change my opinion on the topic.  Fracking is harmful to our society.  It pollutes drinking water, and by doing this it easily affects human and animal health. Fracking is said to pollute chemicals such as chloride and barium which can be very detrimental. Also in youngstown, Ohio 2011 reports of earthquakes caused by fracking mechanisms were suspected. Injections are forced back int the earth during the fracking process.  These injections hit directly on top of a strike-slip fault.  Obviously this relatively new technology has not been fully assessed yet.  In the near future the EPA will most likely come up with rules and regulation to help decrease the amount of pollution and affects put out on the environment.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

            Hydraulic fracturing is used as a way to extract petroleum, water, or natural gases from out of the ground.  It seems harmless right?  Well the EPA greatly disagrees with it.  The EPA has been conducting experiments regarding contaminated drinking water in Pavillion, Wyoming.  The EPA has definitely found numerous pollutants such as Butoxyethanol and Benzene.  These were a few of the exact chemicals found in the contaminated drinking water.
            This is a huge problem because, although EPA officials were not yet able to prove that this was caused by fracking, they are very close to doing so.  Fracking is a very important part in our economy.  We use it to obtain petroleum and other natural gases.  If the EPA shuts that down then we will have to find other ways to safely extract these materials.  This cost enormous amounts of time and money and this planet already has enough things to worry about.
            The fracking companies are going to have to innovate ways to safely do their job.  They can’t keep contaminating civilians water that could turn into yet another major catastrophe.  There has already been notices put out in the past to not drink the drinking water because of contamination and now the EPA might have found the source.
            It seems like everyday people are finding more and more environmental damages to the earth.  Something has to be done soon before we completely screw our planet up and ruin our chances for survival.