Sunday, September 30, 2012

Peer Reviewed Fracking

After reading the peer reviewed article "freacking fury" I quickly realized that the article was not going to change my opinion on the topic.  Fracking is harmful to our society.  It pollutes drinking water, and by doing this it easily affects human and animal health. Fracking is said to pollute chemicals such as chloride and barium which can be very detrimental. Also in youngstown, Ohio 2011 reports of earthquakes caused by fracking mechanisms were suspected. Injections are forced back int the earth during the fracking process.  These injections hit directly on top of a strike-slip fault.  Obviously this relatively new technology has not been fully assessed yet.  In the near future the EPA will most likely come up with rules and regulation to help decrease the amount of pollution and affects put out on the environment.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your position. I also think that fracking is harmful to the water supply. There is plenty of evidence that supports this. The EPA needs to strengthen regulations to minimize the harmful effects of fracking. It is unbelievable that fracking has also been known to cause earthquakes. It seems to me that something needs to be done immediately, the damaging effects of fracking are anything but acceptable.
