Wednesday, August 22, 2012


            Pollution in this day and age, as everyone predominately already knows, is a huge environmental factor.  For example, major factories that expert large amounts of pollution deeply affect many living things.  Plants degrade, the air gets harder and harder to breathe in, and it can also destroy your lungs!
            I believe that because of pollution, Island Civilizations would be a terrific idea. Creating these islands, and going green for the earth would cut down the amount of pollution we produce drastically.  Cutting down pollution could possibly increase human’s life span, increase plant life span, and make the overall food we eat a whole lot healthier than it is now.       
            The only downside to eliminating pollution is that it might cut an enormous amount of jobs.  What would people do if a major paper producing company were shut down? How would they obtain money for their families or even themselves? It is extremely hard to find work these days as it is, let alone finding work when all the major companies around the world are shut down! 
            This is such an easy topic to ramble about for myself because this has happened in two towns that I have lived in, in the passed two years.  In one town a major cabinet manufacturing company shut down which forced almost every family in town to leave and find work in a larger city.  The other town has a major paper company, which pollutes everything for miles around.  It was a terrible place to be a runner because it was often hard to breathe and the smell was awful.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you addressed both the pros and cons of pollution in your essay. I don't believe that I did that in mine. Also, you identified what it is that connects you to this problem with how you've lived in towns where this was a problem and how your running was effected.
